Aybike starts Master’s Degree and international teaching post in Turkey


At CAE we love to hear from our past students and find out what they’re doing now. Aybike from Turkey studied with us in the Upper Intermediate class in 2017. Here she describes, in her own words, how learning English at CAE has helped her with her career.

” I’ve been accepted as a research assistant at Koc university, which is one of Turkey’s most important universities. I’ll be starting my Master’s Degree in Chemistry next semester. As part of my course I’ll be teaching international students. When I was interviewed they were really pleased to find that I could speak fluent English. I will also have the opportunity to pubIish articles in 2020 – in English of course! I owe my successful application to the teachers and the rest of the CAE family. I hope you’ll be very happy and proud of me.”

CAE Stories: Ahoj. Hello from Jana in Bratislava


At first Barbora was homesick. I expected this as she was very close to us. She was 10 years old, and we were thinking of an English Language summer school for her and a friend.  I was a little afraid of the girls travelling to London alone, so I travelled with them on business and […]

CAE Stories: a love story…my life story


Dearest CAE friends, Let me tell you some of my life story, which is in the end, a life-long CAE love story – In 1990, my parents became Spanish agents for Cambridge Academy of English. My brother and I started travelling to England with them every summer when they accompanied their students.  After a few […]