CAE celebrates. Forty-nine years young.


Back in April 1975, CAE, Cambridge Academy of English opened its doors in Girton, Cambridge for the very first time. Welcoming students from around the world.  49 years later, in April 2024, we continue to offer unique experiences and fresh fond memories for our students – of all ages: as they make their way in the world.

As CAE celebrates our story and all those who have played a part, we look forward to fresh connections and new opportunities. Be part of the CAE story. Join us in 2024.

Image credit. Cambridge Academy of English. Martin Tomlinson 2019.  A retirement gift to Sheila Levy, former Director of Studies and Deputy Principal.

CAE Summer – Countdown to Kick Off


Ready for kick off? Not long now! Just one month to the start. One month to Kick Off! Simply put, We can’t wait! We look forward to meeting you. We look forward to welcoming you to the CAE English language summer courses at Bedford School. Why not Kick off your own summer in CAE style?  […]

CAE Stories: Ahoj. Hello from Jana in Bratislava


At first Barbora was homesick. I expected this as she was very close to us. She was 10 years old, and we were thinking of an English Language summer school for her and a friend.  I was a little afraid of the girls travelling to London alone, so I travelled with them on business and […]