CAE Stories. Celebrating language and success – John Barnett


John Barnett, who many will know personally, has been an important part of the CAE Story since he joined the school in 1990.  John grew up locally, and still lives locally.  In the 33 years since first joining CAE as an English teacher, John became the professional centre director,  and then school principal from 2002 until 2021.  Much of the CAE success over the years is thanks to John’s complete dedication, tireless commitment and his deep belief in the power of language learning to shape lives.  If you were lucky enough to meet him, you will surely remember him. John officially retired in 2021, but he continues with us in retirement – as a trusted advisor.  How lucky we are.

Did you know that John has a second career? As an author  – and using his passion for writing, and for story telling to do good and shape lives?  John’s has published the first two books in his very own Windy B series. Written by John, and illustrated by Alice Jamieson. Book No. 3 coming soon. 

John has committed to give local children in hospital a storybook of their own, and donates all proceeds from the sale of his books to the Addenbrookes Charitable Trust. Wonderful isn’t it!

Windy B books are available online and in bookshops around the world. Contact for more information. You too  can support John’s new passion.

John will be visiting the CAE Young learner summer school in July. He has agreed to do a special Book Reading and Book Signing for us.  We are confident that our lucky summer school students will enjoy this unique opportunity to meet a real life author in person. We hope some of them will too be inspired to use their language skills, and life experience -whether good or bad – to help others, just like John has.

Finally, a special message from John Barnett as we look forward to welcoming our 2023 students back to CAE in person this summer: 

“I am so pleased and excited that summer courses will be running at such a wonderful school in Bedford. I know the students and staff will have a great time there and I wish you all every success for this new CAE venture. I look forward to visiting you there in July.”

#CambridgeAcademyOfEnglish #ACTcharity #LearnEnglish  #EnglishTeacher #Cambridge #UK #EnglishLearning #UKsummerSchool

More information about the author here @windybbooks @caeconnected #caelanguageforflife


CAE Summer – Countdown to Kick Off


Ready for kick off? Not long now! Just one month to the start. One month to Kick Off! Simply put, We can’t wait! We look forward to meeting you. We look forward to welcoming you to the CAE English language summer courses at Bedford School. Why not Kick off your own summer in CAE style?  […]

CAE Stories: Ahoj. Hello from Jana in Bratislava


At first Barbora was homesick. I expected this as she was very close to us. She was 10 years old, and we were thinking of an English Language summer school for her and a friend.  I was a little afraid of the girls travelling to London alone, so I travelled with them on business and […]